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Friday, 13 March 2009
A Message from Congressman Dingell
Topic: Updates
Dingell Update

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend the White House Regional Forum on Health Reform in Dearborn with Governor Granholm, Governor Doyle of Wisconsin, and Melody Barnes, Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council.  This forum was the first of many to be held around the country where policymakers join in a discussion with citizens, listen to your concerns about the inefficiencies of the current health care system, and gather your ideas on how to rectify them.

I listened to the countless and often heartbreaking stories of everyday citizens who are often uninsured or denied payment by their provider for extremely costly health procedures.  Adrian Campbell-Montgomery told the audience how her health care provider denied paying for a critical cervical cancer procedure, because she was 22 at the time and they only covered it for women over 26.  The failure of her health care provider to pay for the procedure left her and her young family in nearly $10,000 of debt.  To make matters worse, she is out of work, uninsured, and was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer, for which she’ll need another $10,000 surgery as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, in these dire economic times I hear stories like Adrian’s much too often.  It is infuriating that we do not have a more inclusive health care system; one that efficiently provides coverage for every American.

Health care reform is one of the most pressing issues our nation is facing, especially in Michigan, where unemployment is the highest in the nation.  Health care costs are a major factor in our current fiscal recession, bankrupting companies, and making many families forego health insurance altogether.  One young entrepreneur at the forum spoke about how daunting it is to open a business, because with it comes the moral obligation and fiscal strain of providing health care insurance to your employees.

The time for action is now.  I have fought for universal health care in each Congress since being elected in 1955, and will continue to do so until that is realized. The President and his team have demonstrated a commitment to bringing reform to the current system through the $634 billion down payment, and by hosting forums all over the country like the one held yesterday in Dearborn. I commend the efforts of President Obama in bringing this issue to the forefront, and will work tirelessly with him to help reform health care.

Posted by brownstowndems at 6:08 PM EDT
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